
Loading 9MM x 7 shot moon clips.

Posted by George on 19th Jul 2017

First off thank you for purchasing our moon clip loaders.  And thank you for the feedback.
Your feedback is the only way we really know how we're doing.

This brings us to the 9MM x 7 Shot moon clips.  Both the 7 shot revolvers are a bit odd in their dimensions and we need to look closer as to how to load them.

If you use what is a standard setup, you would use the:

  • 9MMx7 arbor
  • Straight Walled Pusher
  • Arbor mounted in the far figure 8 hole.

What we have found is this combination works best:

  • 9MMx7 Arbor
  • Undercut pusher
  • Arbor mounted in the near figure 8 hole.

The problem was that the straight walled pusher was hitting the moon clip and it was hard to engage a round.  Also the last round was impossible to insert.

The fix solved engaging the first 6 rounds.  The last round is still harder to insert but you can insert it.

I suspect the 357x7 shot moon clips will have the same issues.

Keep the feedback comming.