Product Description
These are Revolver Supply Premium moon clips. They are designed to work in the S&W 627 8 shot chambered in 38 Spacial/357 Magnum; aka S&W 327 and TRR8.
They are 0.020" thick, made from high carbon steel and are heat treated and a protective blued finish is applied.
They have been tested with Remington, Federal and Starline brass. They are OK for Winchester Brass.
These are useful if you have the moon clip holders that have magnets to hold the loaded moon clips.
These clips are NOT made to fit Hornady Critical Defense & Speer Gold Dot ammo!
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Moon clips
Great product. Good quality and consistancy.
quality good
Delivered on time with safe packaging
Very Good Clips
Works very well with theWinchester Brass Winchester (thin grove).020. Very happy overall.
Great moon clips!
The .020" moon clips work great with thin groove brass that sometimes will cause binding with other moon clips.
Very Good Clips
Loaded these up and used them last weekend, all functioned perfectly. The cartridges are a little loose in the 0.020" thickness which is what I wanted, it's easier for me to load them if they move around easy. Loaded Starline, Remington, Federal, S&B brass, no issues. GM- We have other thicknesses for a tighter grip.
So far they're great
Works with Blazer, Winchester and Federal 38 spl range bought reloads. Also 357 Federal Hydoshoks.
Compatable with Winchester Brass
Works very well with the Brass Mfg's that are similar to Winchester (thin grove).020.